Driving while intoxicated (DWI) is a serious offense in Texas. On the other hand, an aggravated DWI carries even heavier penalties and consequences. Understanding what constitutes an aggravated DWI and its ramifications can help individuals facing DWI charges grasp...
Firm News
How is domestic violence defined in legal terms?
These days, accusations of abuse and assault flung between partners, roommates or even just friends may have the potential to threaten the accused in huge ways. Thus, understanding as much about domestic violence law as possible is crucial for anyone facing related...
What does it mean to protect someone from assault?
Some people find themselves in a situation where someone they are with comes under threat by a hostile party. Avoiding the belligerent person is not possible. It may become necessary to use force to protect the other person from harm or death. Texas law understands...
What should I do if somebody accuses me of domestic violence?
Domestic violence is a scourge that terrorizes thousands of homes across the United States. As a result, it is unsurprising that communities tend to band together against domestic abusers. This makes it an immediate crisis point if somebody accuses you falsely of a...
Learning how to manage anger can reduce violent tendencies
People charged with domestic violence in Texas have often experienced prior trauma in their life that has distorted their ability to manage and process emotions. Failing to address the root cause of such behavior can increase the chances of recurring violence. Despite...
Navigating assault charges in Texas
In Texas, assault typically falls into two categories: simple and aggravated. An aggravated assault is a more serious charge with more severe penalties, although simple assault can carry its own set of legal complications. You don’t even have to make physical contact...
Is a failed breath test an automatic conviction for DWI?
You’re arrested for suspicion of drunk driving. When you’re taken to the police station, you submit to a breathalyzer test. The results show your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) as being over the legal limit. Do the police have you dead to rights? It might seem like...
What to do when a cop pulls you over in Texas
Getting pulled over by a cop can be an intimidating experience regardless of whether you know his or her reason for doing so. The flashing blue or red lights may ignite a mini panic attack as you attempt to get over to the shoulder as quickly as possible, hoping that...
Court rulings on cellphone searches continue to set boundaries
The U.S. Constitution contains provisions that protect us against unreasonable search and seizure (Fourth Amendment) and self-incrimination (Fifth Amendment). These are critically important protections when interacting with police and the larger criminal justice...
Providing Criminal Defense Counsel In Communities Throughout Collin County.