Fuller Criminal Defense
Best D 2023
Rated By Super Lawyers | H. Alex Fuller | Selected In 2024 Thomson Reuters

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Fuller Criminal Defense
Best D 2023
Rated By Super Lawyers | H. Alex Fuller | Selected In 2024 Thomson Reuters

Call His McKinney Office To Request A
Free, Confidential Consultation

Frequently Asked Questions About Criminal Law

Effectively defending your rights when you have been charged with a crime can be a challenge if you do not have a legal background. What you do not know about Texas criminal laws or criminal procedure can limit the control you have over the outcome of your case, harming your future.


I am H. Alex Fuller, an award-winning trial lawyer in McKinney who has successfully challenged misdemeanor and felony criminal charges in Collin County courts. I have a well-earned reputation for my legal acumen, attention to detail and accessibility.


To help you understand your options, I have provided answers below to criminal defense FAQ that clients ask me during their free consultations.

When Should I Get An Attorney?

It is smart to hire an attorney as soon as possible. Lawyers can take steps to put their clients in a better position to negotiate a plea or get a case dismissed before trial begins. Seasoned criminal defense attorneys know how to conduct a thorough investigation of the criminal matter and can present evidence supporting your case.


When you retain me, I will start working on your legal issue promptly so that you can resolve this legal concern quickly.

Do I Have To Appear In Court?

Defendants may not have an obligation to appear in court. However, if you have an order to appear in court and you fail to make it to your appointment, you could go to jail. It is wise to make child care arrangements and work plans for your court date so that you can appear.

Do I Have To Quit Smoking Marijuana After An Arrest?

If you are released on bond, you will need to obey the court-ordered terms of this release. Engaging in unlawful activity, such smoking marijuana, may violate these terms. You could go back to jail for committing a crime while awaiting your trial.

Isn’t It Cheaper To Pay The Fine And Accept The Penalties Than Contest Minor Charges?

Whether you have been charged with a drunk driving offense or with a misdemeanor drug charge, pleading guilty to these offenses can have expensive, long-term repercussions. Insurance companies raise their rates dramatically after drivers receive DWI or DUI convictions. In addition, these violations add points to your driver’s license and can increase the likelihood of losing your license for an extensive period of time if convicted of another drunk driving violation in the future.


Misdemeanor drug convictions are recorded on your criminal record, which potential employers or landlords can access during background checks. Even a misdemeanor charge can have a major impact on your career and housing options.

Do You Have Other Criminal Defense Questions? Get Honest Answers Today.

You can easily reach The Law Office Of H. Alex Fuller, PLLC, by calling 972-535-8266 or by completing the firm’s contact form.