A lot of people worry more about the fees when they face driving while intoxicated charges. Indeed, you will face many high fees and penalties for these charges.
However, you can also fight them. Here are some commonly asked questions to help you set yourself up to fight DWI charges.
1. Why do you need to hold on to your ticket from the arrest?
Any tickets or papers the police gave you after your impaired driving arrest are critical to fighting your charges. Therefore, you need to keep these documents in a safe location and not write on them. Any details in these documents could become necessary for fighting the specifics of your arrest. Take the time to look over these documents very carefully. Also, scan them for court dates, which you must attend.
2. Why do you need to move fast to fight your charge?
In these cases, moving quickly is essential. Your case will have deadlines and limitation periods that are very close. The papers you received after your arrest will likely already have your court date. If you want to win your case, you need to get the jump on these dates and be ready for their arrival.
Understanding the specifics of your case is the first step to fighting your charges. Then, you can analyze your arrest for details that can counter your arrest. Additionally, it would be best if you moved quickly on these actions. So take the time to answer these questions. That can help you make an informed decision on your next steps.