Fuller Criminal Defense
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Rated By Super Lawyers | H. Alex Fuller | Selected In 2024 Thomson Reuters

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Fuller Criminal Defense
Best D 2023
Rated By Super Lawyers | H. Alex Fuller | Selected In 2024 Thomson Reuters

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What do you know about the cost of a DUI?

After your recent encounter with the Texas police, you must navigate having a driving under the influence charge on your criminal record. How does a DUI affect your finances? 

American Addiction Centers lists common drunk driving charges. Get an idea of how to budget and manage your finances. 

Court costs

You must pay a court fine after your arrest, the amount of which depends on whether you have prior DUI charges. The higher your BAC at the time of your arrest and the more DUI charges on your record, the higher your court fines. 

Loss of license fees

After paying towing and car impound fees and your bail, expect to lose your license and driving privileges. Once you complete your suspension, you may reinstate your license, but not until you pay a fee. While completing your suspension, you may save money to cover the inevitable reinstatement cost. 

Cost of alternate transportation

During your license suspension period, you may need alternate transportation for work, running errands and other tasks. You must budget for ridesharing services and public transportation. If friends and family give you rides, they may ask for gas money or you may offer them money. 

Car insurance

When you next renew your auto insurance policy, expect your coverage provider to learn of your DUI and classify you as an at-risk driver. If your insurance company does not drop you as a customer, you could pay substantially higher coverage premiums. If you must switch to another company, you may have a hard time finding one willing to cover you. 

By understanding the full cost of a DUI, you may create a financial resiliency plan. Make well-informed financial decisions while getting your life back on track. 


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